Vacation Station gives your Donors access to world-class travel experiences and an opportunity to help your organization through a dedicated online fundraiser site.

Online Fundraiser

A Vacation Station is a website created specifically for your organization to raise funds through the purchase of vacation packages. We generate the site for you as part of our Vacation Station platform, and you just market it to your donors and constituents!

Direct Deposit

When a donor makes a purchase from your Vacation Station site the money is immediately put into a holding account through Stripe, one of the world’s largest processing companies. Your donation funds are released to you each month, along with data regarding your sites performance and your donors information.

Raise Money Fast

A Vacation Station is one of the fastest ways to set up a fundraiser. In just a few  days you can go from planning, to marketing, to selling! All you have to do is market the fundraiser however you think is best, such as; social media, emails, letters, etc.

Yes, we can update our website with a link or button.No, we will need help updating our site.

Your logo and organization picture are used to tailor your VS site to your organization. Please provide a high resolution logo file and an image that you think best represents your organization or your unfunded need.

I am an authorized representative of the organization or company in the 'Organization Name' field of this form. I authorize Fund Your Org to generate a Vacation Station site on behalf of the organization, including the organizations name, logo, imagery, and descriptive text. I understand that the site will not go live for fundraising until reviewed and approved at a later time.