YWCA Purple Sash Review
Purple Sash has been YWCA Oklahoma City’s major fundraising event and 2018 is the best yet: 680 guests and $475,000 raised. This 15th annual Purple Sash took place downtown at The Criterion and offered silent and live auctions and a delicious dinner. CK & Co./Live, runway models and dancers, provided entertainment.
Then came Rick Miller, noted benefit auctioneer from Tulsa, who was absolutely miraculous. I fully expected him to lose his voice before the auction was over. He and his crew were outstanding as they persuaded the bidders to raise their bids.
Ten items were listed on the live auction, with two more surprise offerings ranging from a painting by Desmond Mason (at $8,500) and a framed, autographed 2018 NBA All-Star jersey signed by superstar Russell Westbrook (at $79,000).
The real moneymaker went for a colorful wood artwork, suitable for a children’s room. First bid was made and before the work of art could be given to the bidder, he told the auctioneer to put it up for bid again. The next bidder did the same, and the next. Totally, the colorful wood picture picked up a total of $29,000 from the combination of eight bidders. Several of the auction items had more than one bid. So exciting.
Emcee Ted Streuli maintained order as the YWCA kept the evening going with the new patrons who signed up for After Sash (wine, cash bar and snacks). Haven’t counted them yet.
Greg Burns art exhibit
Noted artist Greg Burns is honored with an exhibition of his art at the Oklahoma History Center, 800 Nazih Zuhdi Dr., Oklahoma City, that will be on view through Sept. 29. The theme is “A Sense of Time and Place: Work by Greg Burns.” Although he is not a native Oklahoman, he has lived here since infancy.
The exhibit will be on the third floor of the History Center and will consist of 10 drawings and paintings that have been chosen by the artist specifically for display at the History Center.
He was moved here to be treated for arthrogryposis, a muscle and joint disorder that severely limits or prevents movement of the extremities. His intricate pen-and-ink drawings and watercolors have received international recognition.
Admission to the exhibit is free.
This article was originally posted here: http://journalrecord.com/2018/06/26/around-town-purple-sash-bids-rise-sky-high/.